Belong – Become – Be
Trinity Baptist Church is a family of baptized believers joining hands with God-belonging,
becoming and being-by proclaiming and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We welcome you to…
Belong in meaningful connection with the community of faith.
Become purposefully engaged with the family of faith: following the way of
Jesus through baptism, sharing life together and serving others.
Be a lifelong disciple of Jesus, growing in relationship with God,
joining God’s mission of love for the world.
About Us
Trinity Baptist Church is a sovereign and democratic Baptist Church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
It is committed to the cause of sharing Christ with the world through cooperation with the Raleigh Baptist Association, the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, the Southern Baptist Convention and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
In its desire to advance and promote commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, Trinity expresses its faith through historic Baptist principles:
The freedom of the individual before God to respond to the revelations of God as led by the Holy Spirit, and is responsible for his or her own relationship with God.
The priesthood of all believers which makes us priests to each other, and guarantees equality of opportunity and responsibility of all believers in Christ.
The freedom and autonomy of the local church under the Lordship of Christ.
The separation of church and state and the concepts of a free church and a free state.
The servant role of leadership within the church which makes the example of Christ the model for leadership and which calls forth the dedication of the gifts of all persons, male and female.
The participation in the universal and united body of Jesus Christ in the propagation of the Christian Gospel, in full and honest theological inquiry and in service to humanity in the name of Jesus Christ.
Above all things, we hold the conviction that the test of discipleship is found in the words of Jesus when He said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
Trinity is also a church with a long history and a strong Baptist heritage. Although no church environment can ever be fully explained on paper, this section provides an Intentionality Statement, a way of telling you a little bit about what we believe and who we are.