Trinity Baptist Church values life-long spiritual learning for a Christian. We value spiritual growth, which begins before conversion, leads to conversion, and develops the Christian character.


A disciple is someone who has believed the message of the gospel, responded to the call of God in repentant faith, been baptized and, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is seeking to understand and obey all that Jesus taught his first disciples.  A church continues to grow as it disciples new believers.

Discipleship at Trinity is an ever growing and learning process for non-believers to become believers and believers to grow through engagement, education and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.  We offer age graded classes during Sunday Morning from 9:45am-10:55am.  These classes begin with our youngest infants to our most mature in age and faith.  We offer more in-depth classes on Sunday evenings, Weekday nights and Wednesday mornings.  Periodically we may offer a seminar or advanced learning on a random weekend or weekday event.

Discipleship classes are specifically designed to address the needs of individuals as they seek to follow Jesus through all the challenges of life. The focus is to equip Christians spiritually and help them to deal with everyday issues.

Please continue to search our website for more specific discipleship offerings.

Explore Discipleship @ Trinity

Upcoming Discipleship Events

Current Month

sun30mar9:45 amTrinity 1019:45 am(GMT-04:00)

sun30mar9:45 amSunday SchoolBible Study for All Ages9:45 am(GMT-04:00)

sun30mar4:30 pmGrief Share4:30 pm(GMT-04:00)