Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.  – Psalm 119:105


We hope you are coming to Trinity to find a place where you can grow in your knowledge and understanding of Christ’s Kingdom on earth and your place in it. Sunday School with Bible Study is the discipline for learning more about your relationship to God, deepening your faith, and finding your talents. It is also the place where you will build friendships with other Christians who will help you see God in a real world way.

We have Sunday School Classes for all ages. In our Adult Departments you will find many Bible Study Classes from which to choose. Each class is unique in teaching style, curriculum and character.

You are encouraged to visit several classes as you seek to discover this important place at Trinity. The hostesses in the church lobby are also available each Sunday morning to assist you and each member of your family in finding a Sunday School class.

Our Sunday School Class all begin each Sunday morning at 9:45am and conclude by 10:45am.

Preschool Sunday School Classes

Age GroupRoom Number
Babies A0-4 months E105
Babies B5-10 monthsE104
Babies C11-14 monthsE103
1's A (younger)15-19 monthsE102
1's B (older)20-14 monthsE100
2'sAge 2 by start of given year E125
3'sAge 3 by start of given year E128
4's - PreKAge 4 by start of given year E134
KindergartenAge 5 by start of given year E129

Children’s Sunday School Classes

Age GroupRoom Number
First GradeE238
Second GradeE240
Third GradeE241
Fourth GradeE246
Fifth GradeE244
Special NeedsD270

Student’s Sunday School Classes

Age GroupRoom Number
Sixth GradeA309
Seventh Grade (Girls)A310
Seventh Grade (Boys)A312
Eighth GradeA306
Ninth GradeA317
Tenth & Eleventh Grade A314
Twelfth GradeA315

Adult Sunday School Classes

Adult 620's - 30'sRoom Number
Coed 1C101
Coed 2C103
Coed 3C104

Adult 530's - 45'sRoom Number
Coed 1D360
Coed 2KoinoniaD364
Coed 3Route 66D366

Adult 435's - 50'sRoom Number
Coed 1C309
Coed 2PathfindersC308
Coed 3B344
Coed 4B345
Coed 5Hope AliveB346
Coed 6Salted Mixed NutsB342
Coed 7C102

Adult 350's - 70'sRoom Number
Coed 1DimmockC304
Coed 2The Bowen ClassA215
Coed 3C303
Coed 4Broughton/Lewis/Blakely/Risner ClassC301
Coed 5Profiles ClassD362
Coed 6Wisdom SeekersC305

Adult 260's - 75Room Number
Coed 1LamplightersA214
Coed 2Willing HeartsB236
Coed 3Fellowship ClassB231
LadiesRuth CovenantB212

Adult 175+Room Number
Coed 1EncouragersA212

Explore Discipleship @ Trinity

Upcoming Discipleship Events

Current Month

sun30mar9:45 amTrinity 1019:45 am(GMT-04:00)

sun30mar9:45 amSunday SchoolBible Study for All Ages9:45 am(GMT-04:00)

sun30mar4:30 pmGrief Share4:30 pm(GMT-04:00)