“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men”
Luke 2:5

Trinity Baptist Church offers all children a loving environment from which to grow in their knowledge of God. We provide opportunities for children starting with Babies to build relationships, learn from the Bible, be creative and play with friends. Preschoolers are placed in classes according to their birth date as of Wake county public school promotion regulations. We promote to the next age class each September. In our Preschool area children learn by playing in learning centers. Reinforcement of what was learned is emphasized during group time for ages 3 – Kindergarten.

The relationship between the children and the teachers are very important. The children will have the same teachers throughout the whole year. This facilitates a strong relation ship between child and teacher.

Our goal is to guide all children through lessons, security, nurturing and prayer into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Children are growing and learning about God at Trinity Baptist!!


Sunday Programs

8:45 AM    Worship – Extended Teaching Care for Birth to Pre-K (Worship Care)
9:45 AM    Age-graded Sunday School
10:55 AM    Worship – Extended Teaching Care for Birth to Pre-K (Worship Care)
6:00 PM    Discipleship Training for Birth to Kindergarten — Some fun and games incorporated with  Bible Learning

Wednesday Programs

5:00 PM     Fellowship Supper
6:15 PM     Mission Friends for Birth to 2 years
Preschool Choirs for 3 years to Kindergarten
6:55 PM     Extended Teaching Care for Birth to 2 years
Mission Friends for 3 years to Kindergarten — Kids learn about Missions around the world and how we can be missionaries too!

Special Activities

Vacation Bible School – mid June
Fall Fest – Late October
Preschool Music and Choirs
Seasonal Events
Weekday Preschool

Upcoming Children’s Ministry Events

Current Month

sun13apr12:00 pmsun1:30 pmEaster Egg Hunt and Family Lunch12:00 pm - 1:30 pm(GMT-04:00)

fri25apr6:30 pmfri8:30 pmFamily Movie Night6:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-04:00)

tue17jun(jun 17)6:00 pmfri20(jun 20)8:00 pmVacation Bible School (VBS)6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (20)(GMT-04:00)