The Men’s Ministry of Trinity Baptist Church purpose is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, strengthening of relationships and encouragement among all generations of our men.  This is achieved through fellowship events, joining together in missions and service.

Throughout the year, our Men’s Ministry holds breakfasts open to all men where we have times of fellowship, song, devotions and learn information about mission opportunities and needs.  Our emphasis for missions is to join our many Trinity Baptist Lead teams in their respective missions. A regular service project is to support our community through a clean-up of a section Six Forks Road.

Men’s Ministry Breakfast

This event is open to men of all ages, so feel free to bring your sons and/or grandsons. We will enjoy a breakfast cooked by our own Trinity men with song and fellowship lead by Testament. We will also hear from a guest speaker. Our Trinity Men’s Ministry Council asks that each person attending extend a personal invitation to at least two people to join the breakfast.

Note: We will end the breakfast in time for those who need to return home for family and to attend SS and the 10:55am worship service. Those who are attending the 8:45 am service are welcome to fellowship a bit longer until heading up to attend worship


For more information contact Fred McDuffee at FMCDUFFEE@GMAIL.COM

Upcoming Ministry Events

Current Month

wed30octAll Daymon25novPoinsettia Orders(All Day)(GMT-04:00)

sun17novAll Daysun24Kentucky Missions Trip(All Day)(GMT-05:00)

tue03dec6:30 pmtue8:00 pmTNT: Tuesday Night TrainingThe Making of Authentic Faith6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)

wed04dec6:30 pmwed8:00 pmTNT: Wednesday Night TrainingThe Making of Authentic Faith6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)

sun15dec7:00 pmsun8:00 pmChurch Conference7:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-05:00)